Kirsten Bell
anthropologist, not the actress.
Critical Public Health and Open Access: A Primer, 2021 (I created this primer for members of the CPH editorial board and have posted it here in case others find it useful)
My scholarly publishing history: the successes, the failures and the backstories, 22 August 2018
Changing conceptions of 'the Reader' in trade publishing, 12 February 2017
​Published Articles
2024. Open access and the subjunctive mood in scholarly publishing. In B. Kapferer and M. Gold (eds), Egalitarian Dynamics: Liminality, and Victor Turner's Contribution to the Understanding of Socio-Historical Process. Berghahn. (The book is available open access here)
2024. (with Patricia Kingori and David Mills) Scholarly publishing, boundary processes, and the problem of fake peer reviews. Science, Technology & Human Values, 49(1): 78-104.
2023. Authorship in the post-academic, post-human age. Allegra Lab, 30 November.
2021. (with Judith Green, Lindsay McLaren and Oliver Mweemba) 'Open' relationships: Reflections on the role of the journal in the contemporary scholarly publishing landscape. Critical Public Health, 31(4): 377-380.
2021. (with David Mills) What we know about the academic journal landscape reflects global inequalities. LSE Impact Blog, 12 October.
2020. (with Judith Green) Premature evaluation? Some cautionary thoughts on global pandemics and scholarly publishing. Critical Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2020.1769406
2019. Communitas and the commons: the open access movement and the dynamics of restructuration in scholarly publishing. Anthropology Today, 35(5): 21-23.
2018. Is is still paranoia if they're really out to vet you? On Clarivate Analytics. Cost of Living Blog, 15 August.
2018. 'Misleading metrics' and the ecology of scholarly publishing. In Predatory Publishing. Post Office Press, Rope Press and punctum books.
2018. Whatever happened to the 'social' science in Social Science & Medicine? On golden anniversaries and gold standards. Social Science & Medicine. 214: 162-166.
2018. Does not compute: Why I'm proposing a moratorium on the term 'outputs'. LSE Impact Blog, 11 April.
2017. ‘Predatory’ open access journals as parody: Exposing the limitations of ‘legitimate’ academic publishing. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 15(2): 651-662.
2016. More journal standards and their stories: a meditation on a nursey rhyme. The Nightstand. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 3(2): 338-343.
2015. Journal standards and their stories, or, a trip down the rabbit hole. The Nightstand. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 2(3): 185-192.
2015. (with Judith Green) Editorial. Keeping a critical edge: Reflections on 25 years as a scholarly journal. Critical Public Health, 25(1): 1-3.