Kirsten Bell
anthropologist, not the actress.
Miscellaneous papers
Politics of health research
2024 (with Clare Herrick). The social life of natural experiments in epidemiology and public health. Sociology of Health & Illness, 46(2): 276-294.
2022 (with Clare Herrick). Epidemic confusions: On irony and decolonisation in global health. Global Public Health, 17(8): 1467-1478.
2022 (with Clare Herrick). Concepts, disciplines and politics: On ‘structural violence’ and the ‘social determinants of health’. Critical Public Health, 32(3): 295-308.
2015. Thwarting the diseased will: Ulysses contracts, the self and addiction. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 39(3): 280-298.
2009 (with Amy Salmon) Pain, physical dependence, and pseudoaddiction: Redefining addiction for ‘nice’ people? International Journal of Drug Policy, 20: 170-178.
see also papers on nicotine and tobacco
Male and female circumcision
2015. HIV prevention: Making male circumcision the ‘right’ tool for the job. Global Public Health, 10(5-6): 552-572.
2005. Genital cutting and western discourses on sexuality. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 19(2): 125-148.
2022 (with Judith Green). Neoliberalism. In L. Monaghan & J. Gabe (eds), Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. Third Edition. London: Sage.
2016 (with Judith Green). Editorial. On the perils of invoking neoliberalism in public health critique. Critical Public Health, 26(3): 239-243.
Korean new religious movements
2008. Pilgrims and progress: the production of religious experience in a Korean religion. Nova Religio: the Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 12(1): 83-102.
2005. The trouble with charisma: Religious ecstasy in Ch’ondogyo. Asian Studies Review, 29(1): 3-18.
2004. Cheondogyo and the Donghak Revolution: the (un)making of a religion. Korea Journal, 44(2): 123-148.
2003. The gendering of religious experience: ecstatic trance in Ch’ondogyo. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 9(2): 7-37.